Humans are naturally hive animals.
Many, Many things affect personality, our genes of course, and countless environment factors.
Birth order has been shown to affect personality, First born children tend to be natural leaders, middle borns negotiate, and youngest children are entertainers.
In an insect hive, raising larva in different ways will yeild insects with essentially equivalent DNA taking on different physical attributes and behaviors, based on the needs of the hive.
A human hive is similar, children repond to events and conditions of their childhood by taking on different psychological traits, and perhaps even altering their metabolism and muscle tone.
A group of humans trying to survive will benefit from having a diverse set of particular kinds of people. We need risk takers and thoughtful strategists, packrats and clean freaks, peacemakers and agressive defenders. In a natural society, these roles would play off of each other to form a balanced, healthy hive.
It is possible that many traits our society considers maladaptive would serve important functions in a hive, or perhaps some people are insane because our society does not provide the proper simulus for their psychological development to complete their growth into an ancient role that they have been triggered to fill.
If your tribe lacks a muse, your prophet will start hearing voices.
Many, Many things affect personality, our genes of course, and countless environment factors.
Birth order has been shown to affect personality, First born children tend to be natural leaders, middle borns negotiate, and youngest children are entertainers.
In an insect hive, raising larva in different ways will yeild insects with essentially equivalent DNA taking on different physical attributes and behaviors, based on the needs of the hive.
A human hive is similar, children repond to events and conditions of their childhood by taking on different psychological traits, and perhaps even altering their metabolism and muscle tone.
A group of humans trying to survive will benefit from having a diverse set of particular kinds of people. We need risk takers and thoughtful strategists, packrats and clean freaks, peacemakers and agressive defenders. In a natural society, these roles would play off of each other to form a balanced, healthy hive.
It is possible that many traits our society considers maladaptive would serve important functions in a hive, or perhaps some people are insane because our society does not provide the proper simulus for their psychological development to complete their growth into an ancient role that they have been triggered to fill.
If your tribe lacks a muse, your prophet will start hearing voices.