Friday, September 09, 2005

Authoritarian Pacifism

A form of government that does not perform any violence whatsoever in enforcing it's laws.
This system eliminates the need for prisons, and even police as we know them. The government is absolutely pacifist.

It is Authoritarian in that:
  • It spies on its citzens at its discretion, which is often.
  • It produces massive propaganda campaigns.
  • It has numerous laws on all manner of behavior
  • It provides 'bread and circuses' to pacify the people
Being pacifist, it does not punish or jail criminals. It publicises their crimes, and makes the information easily available. Social stigma, shaped by propaganda, encourages people to obey the law. Known criminals (and their associates) would face tighter surveilance. Vigilanteeism may occur, but it will be a crime, and will be be reported in context. It will be moderated by it's own possible social stigma. (Or Honor?)

Suspects would still have the benefit of trials before any crimes were put on their records, however they may be convicted even if they refuse to attend their trial. (Since their presence cannot be compelled.) The standard of proof may be lower, 'preponderance of the evidence' rather than 'beyond a reasonable doubt'. Criminal cases would always be open to re-trial based on new evidence.


Blogger Aequitas said...

Interesting system.

Do you think it would work or that it would be a good idea ? Wouldn't it be susceptable to overthrowing ?


4:13 AM  
Blogger indrax said...

These ideas aren't meant to be good, but I do think it could be made workable.
I think the governement might also need control of banks and other major companies, so that it can effectively 'blacklist' people.
Treason would of course be illegal, and braodly defined. Political discontents would likely find themselves accused (and convicted) of distasteful crimes.
Popular revolution will not come if the people are pacified, a coup will not come if the spies do their job.

2:41 AM  
Blogger Robin Edgar said...

I guess in some ways I fit the description of an "Authoritarian Pacifist" as it were. . .

I quite evidently publicise UU "crimes" in the form of various internal UU injustices, abuses and hypocrisy, and make the information easily available, at least within my ability to do so.

Social stigma, shaped by propaganda, encourages people to obey the law. Actually, in practise, it doesn't seem to work particularly well with most UUs who obstinately refuse to acknowledge their patently obvious injustices, abuses, and hypocrisy.

: Known criminals (and their associates) would face tighter surveilance.

: Suspects would still have the benefit of trials before any crimes were put on their records, however they may be convicted even if they refuse to attend their trial. (Since their presence cannot be compelled.)

: The standard of proof may be lower, 'preponderance of the evidence' rather than 'beyond a reasonable doubt'.

: Criminal cases would always be open to re-trial based on new evidence

7:22 PM  
Blogger indrax said...

As I said, this practice isn't necessarily a good idea.

6:27 AM  

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